Camphor basil is an erect perennial herbaceous plant grows up to 60 cm in height. Leaves bipinnate, pinnate 6-9, with winged rachis, leaflets broad, acute, and sessile.
It is a perennial erect, aromatic ( peppermint-scented aroma) herbs, wide-spreading stolons with branched stems, it grow 10 to 120 cm tall, in wet environments or moist soils. The leaves arranged opposite and in pairs, from oblong, ovate, colors range from dark green to gray-green or sometimes seems in yellow. The flowers are 3 to 5 mm long, purplish or lilac, produced in dense clusters on branch apex and tapering spikes. Flowers seen in terminal panicles, small and whitish. Fruits small black or white colored.
Medicinal Uses:
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, vata, pain, arthritis, convulsions, cough, skin diseases, worms, sexual weakness, impotence over perspiration and diseases of the eye. It also used in the treat of Asthma, allergy, cold as a purgative to stomach cleaning, urination.