Blue Dawn Flower is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Convolvulaceae, with over 600
species. It is a large and diverse group, with common names including morning glory, water convolvulus or kangkung, sweet potato, bindweed, moonflower, etc.
Blue Dawn Flower is a morning glory vine with a striking purple-blue color flowers. Origin of the plant is uncertain, but it is widespread throughout the tropical world. The flowers open in the morning and fade to magenta in the evening. Blue Dawn Flower is a perennial with heart-shaped or 3-lobed leaves and with flowers produced daily from a dense clustered inflorescense. Blue Dawn Flower is commonly found at hill stations like Nainital and Mussoorie, scrambling over fences and over woody plants, often to their detriment. It is also found in south India. It has been described as troublesome if left unchecked. But it is delight when in flower. This plant can produce hundreds a fragile flowers everyday and since it works on a 24 hour cycle it can leave a messy carpet below. The flowers are dark blue in the morning to purple/magenta at noon and pink in the evening. The next night they will curl fuchsia-shaped and fall to the ground the next day or two.
Medicinal uses:
is a highly potent Ayurvedic herb mainly used to cure infertility in women. It is also considered as an aphrodisiac, rejuvenates the body, improves strength, act as uterine tonic and helps to conceive. It balances all three Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha. It is used in pumsavana karma.