Leafless East-Indian Vine is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae, typically found in the valleys and sub
tropical mountains in the Himalayas. The plant is religiously linked to Hinduism and is believed to be a major ingredient of the Soma in Ancient India. It is a perennial leafless, jointed trailing shrub with green, cylindrical, fleshy glabrous, twining branches having milk white latex, leaves reduced to scales, opposite, flowers white or pale greenish white, fragnant, in umbels on branch extremities, fruits follicles, tapering at both ends, seeds flat, ovate, comose. The plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, alternate, narcotic, emetic, antiviral and rejuvenating. Whole part of the plant is used in vitiated condition of pith, dipsia, viral infection, hydrophobia, psychopathy and general debility. It is traditionally used to reduce vitiations of pitta in the treatment of pyschosis, depression and fatigue. According to folklore the whole part of the plant is used in the treatment of asthama. The plant is used by the various tribal communities of India in the treatment of various disease and disorders, keeping this view the present work was conceived to explore the folk lore and traditional uses of this plant.
Leafless East-Indian Vine is a climber with stems up to 2 m long,, twining, green or gray, hairless. Flower cymes are borne at branch ends or in axils, 6-15-flowered, about 1 × 2 cm, carried on 3-5 mm long stalks. Sepals are ovate, about 1 mm, margin translucent. Flowers are white or yellowish, petals ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceshaped, about 3 × 1 mm, hairless. Outer corona is shallowly cupular, inner lobes obtuse, slightly shorter than or as long as anthers. Seed-pods are lanceshaped in outline, round in cross-secion. about 15 × 1 cm. Seeds are broadly ovate, about 3 × 2 mm. Leafless East-Indian Vine is found in seashore thickets in India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and China. Flowering: March-November.
Medicinal Uses:
In Siddha medicine system, this plant is used in treatment of respiratory ailments like mild bronchospasms,allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, coryza or common cold. In classical Indian medicine it is considered useful in vitiated conditions of Pitta, dipsia, viral infection, hydrophobia, psychopathy and general debility.
The plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, alterant, narcotic, emetic, antiviral, and rejuvenating.