Mountain Pomegranate is a species of plant in the Olacaceae family. Currently, it is an endangered species that is endemic to India.
Mountain Pomegranate is an armed shrub or small tree. Spines arise from leaf axil and are straight. Branchlets have soft hair on them. Leaves are 4.5-8 x 1.6-3.5 cm obovate, apex obtuse, base cuneate; hairy along nerves and nerve-axils beneath ; petiole 1-2 cm long. Leaves are oppositely arranged on horizontal branches. Flowers solitary or paired at the ends of arrested branchlets; stalks 5 mm long, smooth, often with small intermediate teeth in between. Flowers white, turning pale yellow ; flower-tube 1-1.2 cm long, narrow, petals 5, spreading, 1 cm long. Stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube. Filaments are short, anthers 2-celled. Fruit is 4x3 cm, ovoid, with persistent calyx like a pomegranate; seeds many. Mountain Pomegranate is found in India, Sri Lanka, SE Asia. It is also found in the Himalayas, up till altitudes of 1600 m. Flowering: May.
Medicinal Uses:
In Ayurveda, various parts of Mountain Pomegranate or Madan phala/Mainphal are used to pacify vitiated pitta and kapha/mucous, and to treat cough, skin diseases, ulcers, asthma, flatulence, colic. The fruit is especially used as a medicine for emesis therapy (treating by inducing vomiting).