The Cochin bantam is a breed of large domestic chicken. It derives from large feather-legged chickens brought from China to Europe and North America in the 1840s and 1850s. It was formerly known as Cochin-China.
Standard Weight: 3.6–5.9 kg
As a very distinctive chicken breed, Cochin chickens became very popular among the poultry lovers in the English-speaking world. This chicken breed is among one of the largest breed available today. Male Chickens have lighter heads, sometimes with a white or yellow spot. Male chicks' combs will start to change from yellow to a dark pink color as early as 12 days. The Color of the lines where their wattle will later grow. If it is dark pink, any earlier than 4 weeks, those chicks are almost always males
Standard Weight: 3.2–5.0 kg
Cochin chickens are among the largest domestic chicken breed. The most distinctive feature of the Cochin is the excessive plumage that covers leg and foot. They have yellow colored skin beneath the feathers. They lay medium size light brown colored eggs. Females have darker down color often with a black or brown spot or stripes on their heads or with darker stripes on their backs. Cochin chickens come with a wide variety of colors.
Cochin chickens are comparatively lazy than other chicken breeds. Their lazy lifestyle and rounded appearance affect their health. And they tend to suffer from metabolism and heart problems.
They lay many eggs, but usually not for extended periods of time. Cochin chickens come with a wide variety of colors. Black, buff, blue, golden laced, partridge, red, splash, silver laced and white are the color varieties of Cochin chickens. They can be frizzled, with the feathers curling outwards.
Cochin hens are well known as very good mothers. Even as foster mothers for other . Cochin chickens are quiet in nature and very friendly chickens. They are also very good as pet.
Cochin chickens are comparatively lazy than other chicken breeds. Their lazy lifestyle and rounded appearance affect their health. And they tend to suffer from metabolism and heart problems.
They like to be kept on short grass and usually not venture onto longer vegetation. Because longer vegetation can damage the feathers on their feet. They take very little room compared to their large body size.
Cochin chickens are very friendly, calm and are of maternal nature. That’s why they make excellent broodies. They are not among the good layers. They lay medium size eggs but not many. It takes 22 days to hatch their eggs and chicks are pretty strong.
Cochin chickens tend to be submissive when kept with other aggressive chicken breeds. They require good quality feed and take long time to be mature.
Different categories based on color: Black, buff, blue, golden laced, partridge, red, splash, silver laced and white.