Dragon stalk yam, is a plant species in the family Araceae. Dragon Stalk Yam (
Amorphophallus sylvaticus) is a flowering plant species in India. This is used in herbal medicine.
Amorphophallus is a large genus of some 170 tropical and subtropical tuberous herbaceous plants, which includes the world's largest flower, Titan Arum. Dragon Stalk Yam grows from a subterranean tuber. From the top of this tuber a single leaf is produced atop a trunk like petiole followed, on maturity, by a single inflorescence. This leaf consists of a vertical leaf stalk and a horizontal blade, which may consist of a number of small leaflets. The leaf lasts one growing season. This flower appears before the onset of the monsoon and the leaves appear with the rains. Flowers have a fetid smell and attract flies for pollination. Amorphophallus commutatus fruits are eaten by koels and bulbuls.
Medicinal Uses:
Tuber paste is applied externally to cure scabies.